

昨日のdeckショックで戸田修司は死んで、新しい戸田修司が生まれました。もう昔の繊細な僕は死にました。これから僕は頭脳労働もできなくなってしまうのかもよくわかりません。Hi Stui am waiting for my mother with PC so i am going to create account.a …

Hello Stuart

how are you? we (thiuunkai yokohama hospital) is planning to travel to hawaii and if you join us i will certainly be happy.the date on 3rd march is fleetwood mac live show and also y disney show.your time traveling is necessary to move to …

Dear Stuart

Dear StuartHow are you? Did you get my address on this hospital if so, Please give your recent news. Hawaii will be the good place. shuji

Dear Stuart

We(this hospital) are in messianism and we are going to Hawaii. So we need to know time travel of yourmine because there is a few times and some money.Therefore Pease let me know your skil of the system. Our adress is; 221-0801 kanagawaku …

Dear Stuart

How have you ever been? How are your family? As for me i am still staying in the same hospital. However we are plannng to visit Hawaii (75 people) on Feburuary 22-26. We will be happy if you join our trip to Hawaii because you have the tim…